Synergy Wellbeing Events and Network


As part of their broader remit of organising events combining entertainments with awareness-raising, the Brighton Centre team was keen to work in partnership with local individuals and organisations working in the wider ‘Wellbeing sector’ to host a series of events and to develop a network to promote healthier and happier lifestyles, the sharing of best practice and latest ideas / knowledge and to promote collaboration and partnership working.


Such events, weere to be fun, accessible, educational and transformational and were to include :

  • Weekend events including day-time workshops, demonstrations, discussions, information stalls, networking and skill-sharing followed by an evening social featuring music, dance and other creative performances promoting health, happiness and well-being. In order to appeal to a family audience, these events were to have a number of Wellbeing themed, child friendly activities.
  • Mid-week evening events to bring to bring together practitioners working in the field as well as members of the public to showcase the work of a specific partner organization or practitioner and discuss issues of relevance.

Defining ‘Wellbeing’ 

 Wellbeing  Wellbeing

The concept of Wellbeing is a multifaceted one, incorporating issues of importance to the orthodox physical and mental health sectors, the social, economic and natural environment, diet / nutrition and their link to both physical and mental health through to holistic approaches and complementary practices such as non-western practices (Yoga, Tai-Chi, Shiatsu, Meditation etc). Synergy Wellbeing events were also to be interested in exploring the intersection between mental health and spiritual well-being, exploring issues relating to the evolution of religious and spiritual belief, cognitive science and the intersection between new science and indigenous belief systems.

Target Audience


The target audience for the Synergy Wellbeing events was to be people of all ages living in Brighton & Hove and the surrounding region. This audience can be broken down in to the following categories :

  • A family audience made up of adults aged 25-50, particularly those with young children of primary school age.
  • Clients / beneficiaries of the mental health, substance misuse and other services, both in the statutory and voluntary sectors.