The Brighton Social Forum and Reclaim the Beats; An eclectic evening of Eco-politics, Spoken Word, Live Music and D.J’s.
The Brighton Social Forum returns to the Synergy Centre on Friday October 23rd from 7.30 – 9pm with debate and discussion around environmental politics. The energy demands of modern society are increasingly outstripping the availability of ‘conventional’ oil and gas. The time seems ripe for ditching dirty fuel in favour of investment in renewable energy but is this the direction we are going in?
Governments the world over seem hell bent on exploiting ‘unconventional’ oil and gas resources via Fracking and other highly contentious methods but the movement against this and in favour of ‘green’ energy is rapidly growing. In this month’s Social Forum our ‘pro-fracking’ compere will try to convince our panel that oil and gas is the fuel of the future but our panel may have something to say about that.
Guests include Beki Adam (Frack Free Sussex) Duncan Blinkhorn (COP21 Bike Train), Will Cottrell (Brighton Energy Co-op), Lorraine Inglis (Campaigner and Activist), Jamie Kelsey–Fry (New Internationalist) and BP or not BP?
Our ‘party with a purpose’ continues throughout the evening with inspiring spoken word from the theatrical activist and campaigning front ‘BP or not BP?’ and Geoff Winde ‘Money is as Innocent as the Gun’ as well as live music from Ratbag, Illodica and King Bracket.
Radio 4A d.j’s will be rounding up the evening with freaking funky beats….cos it ain’t my revolution if I can’t dance!!
The evening includes a photographic exhibition featuring the work of Denise Felkin and Jeff Pitcher.
Food / snacks will be available
Tickets £5 in advance / concs and £7 on the door. All proceeds to Brighton Action Against Fracking and Radio 4A indymedia.
Schedule as follows:
7.30 – 9pm: The Brighton Social Forum.
9.15 – 10.15: Spoken Word performances from BP or Not BP? and ‘Money is as Innocent as the Gun’
10.30 – 11.15: Ilodica & King Bracket (Bracket Records showcase) sounds from the ether; a collective mind orchestra and art o nadur from the makers of ‘Season of the Harvest’
11.30 – 12.30: Ratbag; Accordian fuelled folk – punk – ska
12.30 – 3am: Radio 4A bringing you Freaking Funky Beats